Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe

Jacobs Moyo Ajekigbe
Vice Chairman, Governing Board
Mr. Jacobs Ajekigbe, former Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Ibadan (1975), a Certificate in Investment Planning and Appraisal from the University of Bradford, UK (1981) as well as MBA degree in Finance from the University of Lagos. His 32 years of banking experience cuts across Agricultural Financing, Branch Banking Operations, Corporate Banking, Retail and Consumer Banking and General Management. He retired in December 2008 after completing two terms in office. Mr. Jacobs Ajekigbe was Chairman, Kakawa Discount House Limited and FBN Merchant Bankers Limited. He also sat on the boards of FBN Bank (UK) Limited, First Pension Custodian Limited, Vee Network Ltd (now Zain), and Transnational Corporation Nigeria Plc. He is the Chairman, Board of Directors, FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc and Chairman, Governing Council, Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. He has attended a number of courses both in Nigeria and abroad, the latest of which were “Making Corporate Boards More Effective” and “Leadership Best Practices” both at Harvard Business School Boston, USA.