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5th Christopher Kolade Symposium

Posted August 29th, 2013 in News

The Christopher Kolade Symposium brings together eminent, highly-credible, and public-spirited Nigerians to:

  • Discuss a topic of public importance;
  • Encourage transparency and accountability by providing a forum for key stakeholders to engage with the public;
  • Propose practical solutions to national issues of pressing concern

The Christopher Kolade Symposium is held annually in honor of NLI’s Founding Patron, Dr. Christopher Kolade CON, whose achievements in the public and private sectors, as well as his personal life, have set a high benchmark for outstanding citizenship. The intent is for the Christopher Kolade Symposium to become a major forum for healthy debate on key issues relating to public service in Nigeria, as well as a starting platform for the discussion and development of relevant practical national policies.

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White Papers Volume 2, Lagos

Posted August 29th, 2013 in Events

NLI in partnership with PwC presents the White Papers Volume 2

Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Lagos; Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way, Ikeja Lagos
Time: 2:00pm

NLI Annual Awards

Posted August 28th, 2013 in News

Objective of the Awards

The NLI Annual Awards is established to recognise and celebrate Nigerian citizens who have made outstanding contributions to the transformative change necessary for the development of Nigeria. By given these awards, NLI seeks to promote values and serve as a reminder to the younger generation of the rewards that come with inculcating good values and contributing to the development of the Nation.

The Awards will be giving to people who have dedicated time and resources to the development of Nigeria as well as exhibited values-based leadership in their sphere of life (public/private). Also, an Award will be given to our major supporting partner for their stellar contributions to building the future generation to play transformative roles in the development of Nigeria.

There will be a total of 4 awards given during the NLI Annual Gala night:

  1. NLI Lifetime Achievement Award

    This Award is to be given to Nigerian citizen who, during his/her lifetime, has made contributions of outstanding significance to the development of Nigeria. The lifetime Achievement Award is presented during the NLI Gala Night. A plaque will be presented to the individuals at the event. All expenses of the awardees will be paid.

    Criteria and Eligibility
    Nominee must be a Nigerian. There must be documented evidence that the nominee has:

    • Worked consistently and steadfastly to improve development in Nigeria over a period of at least 10 years
    • Made an outstanding contribution to good governance in Nigeria
    • Lead/inspired the advancement of good leadership by example
  2. NLI Award for Honesty and Integrity

    This Award is to be given to a Nigerian citizen who hasdemonstrated honesty and integrity in their society.

    Criteria and Eligibility

    • Nominee must be a Nigerian.
    • Nominee must have been known to display honesty and integrity in the workplace, homefront and other different aspects of life
    • Nominee must have letter of recommendations for integrity displayed
  3. NLI Award for Honesty and Integrity

    This award is to be given to a Nigerian Citizen who has displayed integrity, excellence, commitment, patriotism, justice and equity, discipline etc in the course of his/her working thereby significantly contributing to transformative change his society

    Criteria and Eligibility

    • Nominee must be a Nigerian.
    • Nominee must have made an outstanding contribution in his/her career[public or private] in Nigeria.
    • Nominee for which there is supporting evidence that what was accomplished contributed to transformative changes in the society

Nomination Criteria and Process of Selection

A call for nominations will be sent out within the NLI Network which comprises NLI Associates, NLI Fellows and Friends of NLI. The nominations will be collated by NLI Staff. A scorecard will be developed to select the best 5 finalists. A panel will then be selected to pick the best 3 who will be awarded after going through a thorough verification process by the panel of judges.

Award Plaques will be given to the winners of the award. The names will be broadcasted in the dailies and on NLI social media platforms.

Only completed nominations will be considered by the judges. This includes

  • Completion of the award nomination form
  • Citation stating the accomplishments that makes the nominee deserving of the award
  • Nominees curriculum vitae listing educational background, positions held, awards, honours, and activities
  • 2 letters of reference [from nominees place of work, or people they have associated with]

Nomination Deadlines

Award Deadline
NLI Life time Achievement Award September 30
NLI Award for Honesty and Integrity September 30
NLI Award for Values-based Leadership September 30


Call for Nominations: August 29, 2013

Deadlines for Nominations: September 30, 2013

Selection of Awardees: October 7, 2013

Criteria for Judges

The Judges will be:

  • Senior Fellows and Associates
  • People who previously have been a part of a panel to judge.
  • Judges will have at least five years of experience in their fields
  • Judges will declare any conflict of interest afore hand
  • Judges should be able to identify the benefits of the Nominees’ actions in Nigeria.
  • The judges should be able to state what is outstanding about the Nominees selected.

NLI Launches White Papers Volume 2

Posted July 18th, 2013 in News, Policy Papers

Taking another step to drive positive change, for Nigeria’s socio-economic reforms and growth, the Nigerian Leadership Initiative [NLI], is set to present the Volume 2 of its White Papers series.

According to the CEO of NLI, Yinka Oyinlola, ”The publication of Volume 2 is NLI’s contribution to a long-term improvement to the Nigerian tax system. Over the last several decades, recommendations were proffered and great strides have been made at reforming Nigerian tax legislation and administration. Considerable improvements, however, still subsist in areas ranging from fair taxation to usage of taxes to transform the economy. Additionally, the social dimensions and transformative effects of taxes are yet to be undertaken”

The publication contains 12 wide-ranging articles written by accomplished tax experts and practitioners. Amongst the wirters are: Ken Igbokwe (Senior Partner at PwC Nigeria); Ifueko M. Omoigui Okauru (former Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS); Taiwo Oyedele (Partner and Head of Tax and Corporate Advisory, PwC Nigeria); M.L. Abubakar (Secretary, Joint Tax Board); and Etim Uso (an IT Tax Systems Expert).

The public presentation held at the Yar’Adua Centre, on Friday, June 28, 2013.

Download (PDF, 6.99MB)

Future Leaders Seminar

Posted June 21st, 2013 in News

The Future Leaders Seminar is a program for emerging public and private sector leaders aged 25 to 35 years and based in Nigeria or the Diaspora. The seminar is a 3-day residential seminar sessions capped by a dinner and the launch of class projects by the seminar participants. At the end of each session, the participants are inducted Associates of NLI.

 The Future Leaders Seminar had its inaugural class in 2007 and to date, with support from First Bank, there are currently 247 NLI Associates in Nigeria and in the Diaspora. The Future Leaders Seminar was designed to define the mission of the Nigeria Leadership Initiative (NLI) by creating a growing, global network of credible, accomplished community-spirited Nigerian leaders, committed to taking responsibility for driving positive change in Nigeria and Nigerian communities.

NLI Future Leaders Seminar………..Powered by First Bank If you believe you have what it takes to join our growing global network of credible Nigerian leaders, please visit www.nli-global.org or www.careerparley.com/nli  to fill the application form. You can also send an email to [email protected] for further enquiries.

The Public Presentation and Review of NLI’s White Papers Volume 2

Posted June 20th, 2013 in News

The NLI White Papers Volume 2, addresses Tax issues and proffers solutions for tax reforms in Nigeria. The publication of this Volume is NLI’s contribution to a long-term improvement to the Nigerian tax system. Over the last several decades, recommendations were proffered and great strides have been made at reforming Nigerian tax legislation and administration. Considerable improvements, however, still subsist in areas ranging from fair taxation to usage of taxes to transform the economy. Additionally, the social dimensions and trans-formative effects of taxes are yet to be undertaken.

NLI’s White Papers are conceived as ‘thought papers’ capable of contributing to leadership, values, and knowledge in Nigeria. They demonstrate the urgent need for action and proffer practical suggestions on steps to be taken.


Click here for more information  about the program.


Posted June 19th, 2013 in News, Press Release

Taking another step to drive positive change, for Nigeria’s socio-economic reforms and growth, the Nigerian Leadership Initiative [NLI], is set to present the Volume 2 of its White Papers series.

The public presentation will hold on Friday, June 28, 2013 at the Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja at 9:30am. The public presentation will be a unique gathering of leading thinkers from the National Assembly, private sector, and non-governmental organizations. Chairing the occasion is Senator Ahmed Makarfi, the Chairman of Senate Committee on Finance.

NLI White Papers are, according to Yinka Oyinlola, NLI’s CEO, “thought papers capable of contributing to leadership, values and knowledge in Nigeria. They demonstrate the urgent need for action and proffer practical suggestions on steps to be taken.”

Continuing, he states, “The publication of Volume 2 is NLI’s contribution to a long-term improvement to the Nigerian tax system. Over the last several decades, recommendations were proffered and great strides have been made at reforming Nigerian tax legislation and administration. Considerable improvements, however, still subsist in areas ranging from fair taxation to usage of taxes to transform the economy. Additionally, the social dimensions and transformative effects of taxes are yet to be undertaken.”

The publication contains 12 wide-ranging articles written by accomplished tax experts and practitioners. Amongst the wirters are: Ken Igbokwe (Senior Partner at PwC Nigeria); Ifueko M. Omoigui Okauru (former Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS); Taiwo Oyedele (Partner and Head of Tax and Corporate Advisory, PwC Nigeria); M.L. Abubakar (Secretary, Joint Tax Board); and Etim Uso (an IT Tax Systems Expert).

 In endorsing the publication, Nigeria’s Doyen of Accounting, Mr. Akintola Williams affirmed that “by and large, all the papers are adequately comprehensive, informative and should be of considerable help to tax practitioners, accountancy students and to our legislators.”

About NLI 

NLI is an international non-profit and non-partisan organization. NLI provides a platform for highly accomplished Nigerian leaders to enhance or develop their values-based leadership skills and to drive positive change in the development of Nigeria. A member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network (AGLN), NLI is a global organization comprising of Senior Fellows and Associates in Nigeria, Europe, US, and other parts of the world. Through leadership seminars, symposia, social responsibility projects, NLI mobilizes the energy, talent and resources of its network to collectively tackle challenges that confront Nigeria.



Mirian Opara

0803 491 4482

 [email protected]

NLI White Papers Volume 2 Presentation

Posted June 11th, 2013 in Events

NLI in partnership with PwC presents the White Papers Volume 2

Date: 28th of June, 2013
Venue: Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja
Time: 9:30am

Invited Special Guests of Honor include:

  1. Senator David Mark, Senate President, FRN
  2. Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Minister of Finance, FRN
  3. Senator Ahmed Makarfi, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance, FRN

Guest Speakers Forum, Lagos

Posted June 3rd, 2013 in Events

The Guest Speakers Forum is NLI’s unique contribution to national development through experiential learning from accomplished Nigerians. The Forum is designed as a two-hour event: 30-minute presentation by the guest speaker and another 90 minutes of questions and answers between the Speaker and the audience on potentially untested, unconventional, and new leadership ideas. The expected guests at the event will comprise of NLI’s Senior Fellows and Associates, policy makers, intellectuals, business leaders, and those interested in leadership matters related to Nigeria.

Guest Speaker Forum, New York

Posted June 3rd, 2013 in Events

The Guest Speakers Forum is NLI’s unique contribution to national development through experiential learning from accomplished Nigerians. The Forum is designed as a two-hour event: 30-minute presentation by the guest speaker and another 90 minutes of questions and answers between the Speaker and the audience on potentially untested, unconventional, and new leadership ideas. The expected guests at the event will comprise of NLI’s Senior Fellows and Associates, policy makers, intellectuals, business leaders, and those interested in leadership matters related to Nigeria.

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