The Factsheet is conceived as a quarterly publication that seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge by addressing various development issues and challenges to national development. This year, NLI will commence the publication of the factsheets on ''Exploring Solid Mineral Resources for National Development 'as NLI's contribution to increasing Nigeria's foreign direct investment. The production of the Factsheet will be done through desk reviews, research, collation of statistics and publication.
NLI intends to publish a quarterly Factsheet that will address various issues to the development challenges in Nigeria. The publication of the factsheet will be a first step in a series of activities aimed at showcasing NLI as a knowledge-based organization committed to enriching the discourse on mineral resources in Nigeria. The focus of this factsheet is in two parts. One is the need to canvass for the development of Nigeria's solid minerals sector with a view to improving its economic importance relative to other sectors of the Nigerian economy and second, is to revitalize the solid minerals sector, considering its importance in national economic development.